Wednesday 6 July 2016

Hi Folks
This Blog is all about Finacle and to know how it work, performs and what all are the things it can do when it comes to branch banking or other related uses of the same.

With this blog we'll try and reach you out with all the Functions of Finacle and explaining along with the screenshot and with necessary steps to make it much more easier to understand and make it as simpler as possible.

Finacle is a Core Banking Product developed by Indian corporations Infosys that provides Universal banking functionality to banks.

In August 2015, Finacle became part of EdgeVerve Systems Limited.

Finacle is used by banks across 84 countries that serve over 450 million Customers.

Being a Banker it is very important for you to have adequate knowledge of Finacle.

So, keep on visiting our blog for more details and insight of Finacle and Functions of it.
Thank you.
Happy Finacling :)

Monday 4 July 2016


1) Login in Finacle, select solution as ‘FINCORE’ and input menu command as ‘HACLINQ’.

2) A new window will appear with heading ‘Account Ledger Inquiry’.

3) Mention the account no of which the ledger inquiry has to be done and then click on ‘TAB’ key.

4) The details of the account will get auto populated by the system. Click on ‘GO’ button.

5) A complete detail of all the transactions which have occurred in the account will get displayed date-wise. Click on the ‘EXPLODE BOX’ next to the date and the part tran entries of that transaction will be displayed by the system.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Creating CIF Corporate

    A) Login in Finacle.
    B) Select ‘Solution’ as ‘CRM’.

C)   Click on ‘CIF Corporate’ Folder > ‘New Entity’ > ‘Customer’.

D)  Please fill all the Mandatory Fields highlighted using * symbol.

   Tab – GENERAL                 Sub tab – BASIC INFO

  Note: Please do not input anything in CIF ID field even though it’s marked as mandatory. The system will create its own CIF ID at end of the process.

1)      ‘Relationship Start Date’ has to be current date (default system date i.e. 10/11/2011).

2)      ‘Assigned Priority’ - Please select any value assigned in the dropdown list.

3)      ‘Legal Entity Type’ - Please select any value assigned in the dropdown list but suggested values will be 


4)      ‘Key Contact Person’s Name’ – Students can input their own name.

5)  ‘Corporate Segment’ – Please select CORPORATE using searcher option.Only one value has been assigned – CORPORATE.
6)      ‘Sub-segment’ - Only one value has been assigned in dropdown list – CORPORATE.

7)      ‘Phone No.’ - Students can input their own contact no.

8)      ‘Business Type’ - Please select any value assigned in the dropdown list.

9)      ‘Principal Place of Operation’ – Please select INDIA using searcher option.

10)   ‘Remarks’ – Students can input their personal remarks like SMALL CORPORATE, MEDIUM


11)   ‘Registration No.’ – Please input eight digit alphanumeric numbers.

12)   ‘Incorporation Date’ – This date has to be prior to 10th December 2011. The reason for this compulsion is the fincore date is of 10th December 2011 and system will not create an account later if the ‘Incorporation date’ is later then the Fincore system date.

13)   ‘Region’- Please select any value using searcher option.

14)   ‘Primary SOL ID’ – Its ‘001 – CENTRAL OFFICE’ by default.

15)   ‘Relationship Type’ – Please select CUSTOMER from the dropdown list.

16)   ‘Sector’ - Please select any value assigned in the dropdown list.

17)   ‘Sub-sector’ - Please select any value using searcher option.

18)   ‘Tax ID’ - Please input eight digit alphanumeric numbers.

19)   ‘DSA ID’ - Please select the value using searcher option.

20)   ‘Entity Class’ – Default value in dropdown list is NONE.

21)   ‘Fund Source’’ – Student can input any source of fund in this field.

22)   ‘Base CCY’ - Please select INR using searcher option.

23)   ‘Average Annual Income’ – Mention income as ‘99,99,99,99,999.00’

24) ‘Native Language Code’ – English.

25) ‘Availed Trade Services’ – Please select Y.

26)   ‘Primary Relationship Manager’ - Please select any value using searcher option.

27)   ‘Enable E-Banking’ – This has to be N by default.


1)      Click on ‘Add Identification Document Details’.
2)      ‘Document Type’ - Please select CORP PAN CARD to be the default value.
3)        ‘Document Code’ – Please select PAN CARD.
4)      ‘Unique ID’ – Students can input their own PAN Card no if they have it or else input ABCDE1234F.

5)      ‘Place of Issue’ – Students can input their center location.

6)      ‘Country of Issue’ - Please select INDIA using searcher option.

7)      ‘Issue Date’ - This date has to be equivalent to ‘Incorporation Date’ (or FINCORE date i.e. 10/12/2011).

8)    Click on SAVE button once all inputs have been done.


1)      ‘Preferred Address Type’ – Default value is ‘REGISTERED’. Please do not change it.

2)      ‘Address Format’ – Default value is STRUCTURED.

3)      ‘Address Type’ - Default value is ‘REGISTERED’. Please do not change it.

4)      Please input the data next to all mandatory fields and use the searcher option wherever required.

5)      ‘Address Valid From’ - This date has to be equivalent to ‘Incorporation Date’ (or FINCORE date i.e. 10/12/2011)

6)      ‘Hot Mail Indicator’ – Default vale will be N.

7)    Click on SAVE button once all inputs have been done.


1)      ‘Preferred Contact No. Type’ - Please select any value from the dropdown list. Suggested value will         be CELLPHONE.

2)      ‘Preferred Email-ID Type’ - Please select any value from the dropdown list. Suggested value will be         COMMUNICATION.

3)    Click on ‘Add Phone and E-mail’.

4)        ‘Phone No. / E-Mail’ – Select PHONE.

5)      ‘Type’ – Select CELLPHONE (as suggested in point 1)

6)      ‘Phone No.’ – Students to input their own phone no.

7)      Click on SAVE button once all inputs have been done.

8)      Again click on ‘Add Phone and E-mail’.

      9)      ‘Phone No. / E-Mail’ – Select E-MAIL.

    10)   ‘Type’ – Select COMMUNICATION (as suggested above in point 2).

     11)   ‘Email-ID’ – Students can put their own email ID.

      12) Click on SAVE button once all inputs have been done.


    1)      Click on ‘Add CCY’.

    2)      Please keep all other values as it is. Input the ‘Preferential Expiry date’ as 31/12/2099 only.

3)    Click on SAVE button once all inputs have been done.


    Other Sub Tabs are non-mandatory under tab GENERAL.


1)      ‘Relationship Type’ – Default value is BENEFICIARY. Please let this value be as it is. Do not select anything else or add or modify any field.


1)      ‘Inland Trade Allowed’ – Select Y.

2)      ‘Customer Native’ – Select Y.

All other tabs are non-mandatory. But these tabs may become mandatory depending upon the different types of accounts created.

Now click on SUBMIT button. You will get a message as mentioned below.

Click on OK button. A confirmation message with New CIF ID created will appear.

Please note down the CIF ID.

Click on OK button.

     A Process Selection window will open in which we have to select the Process name similar to suggested Process name (If system allows) and / or click on ‘Save Process Selection’ button.

The CIF ID thus generated will be saved in the database of CRM which needs to be verified for the CIF ID to be available for transfer from CRM to FINCORE.


Verifier / Checker will login in CRM and Select ‘Entity Queue’ under CIF Corporate.

A new window will open with Tray type as ‘Self’ and Action as ‘Submitted for Approval’.

1)       In Tray Type – Select ‘Business Centre Group’.

2)      In Group type – Select ‘General Banking’.

3)      In BC – Select ‘Central Office’.

Now click on ‘Submit’ button.

The System will display all the CIF ID available for verification in this tray.

Click on the ‘Select Box’ of the CIF ID that has to be verified.

Once the whole CIF entry is highlighted by the system. Do ‘right-click’ on the entry (except hyperlinks) then click on Entity > Get As Assignee.

The system will give a confirmation message ‘Entity has been successfully moved in the Self Tray’

Click on ‘OK’ button. The entry will be available in your Self tray.

Again Click on Select Box of the CIF ID to be verified. The entry will be highlighted.

Then click on the CIF ID and check the data entered by the maker. Please check the data on all tabs which are mandatory.

After the data has been checked then click ‘Close’ button.

Now click on the tab ‘Current Process Step’

A hyperlink will appear ‘Approval :- Process Time : 1 Days’. Click on this and an another window will open.

On this window select Decision as ‘Approve’ from the drop down list.

Then Click on ‘Save Approval Form’ button.

A message will appear ‘Approval Form was saved successfully’.

The CIF ID has been verified successfully.